Shineanthology’s Weblog

An anthology of optimistic, near future SF

Archive for April 14, 2009

The Week in Tweet, Week 14

Where @outshine has almost caught up with the facts:

Monday March 30:

[Quote for the Monday]I’ve got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom.

[Source] Angus Grossart (1937 – ) / Scottish banker / Sunday Telegraph (London).

[Ed] Submissions statistics, week 14: 17 submissions, 11 from males, 6 from females. 4 acceptances. Current needs: humourous pieces!

Tuesday March 31:

Doomy instrumental heavy rock with a wild and playful sixties aesthetic; groovy, atmospheric + a long way out in the psychedelic leftfield.

[#SoundBytes] SACRIFICE & BLISS by STINKING LIZAVETA – Monotreme Records – .

Wednesday April 1:

Above the rioters’ ruinous flames, a holoPhoenix shone. Hope rose like Holy Fire. The Rocking Raven Brigade beat chaos and despair.

[Bio] MD,writer, co-editor in French SF mag GALAXIES. Spends too much time dreaming and her house is always a mess. .

Thursday April 2:

Dumb but nice FX—kind of a fun downer. This is the way the world ends/not with a bang but with an invasion of Kraftwerk-looking dudes.

[#Spitballs] Knowing/Directed by Alex Proyas/ .

Friday April 3:

[Quote for the Friday] “The pen is the tongue of the mind.”

[Source] Miguel de Cervantes (1547 – 1616) / Spanish novelist and dramatist / Don Quixote.

Saturday April 4:

At 97, Grandma got a time machine and started meeting her descendants. Last I heard, she had hugged twenty generations and was still going.

[Bio] Amanda Davis denies everything but regrets nothing. She blogs at .

Sunday April 5:

Barry Allen is back to face new mysteries and an uncertain existence, but this story seems surprisingly glum rather than celebratory.

[#ShineComics] THE FLASH: REBIRTH #1 by Geoff Johns (script), Ethan Van Sciver (art); DC Comics, 2009, $3.99 .