Shineanthology’s Weblog

An anthology of optimistic, near future SF

Archive for April 22, 2009

The Week in Tweet, week 15

Where @outshine tweaks the tide of tweets:

Monday April 6:

[Quote for the Monday]The Future cannot be predicted, but futures can be invented.

[Source] Dennis Gabor/ Nobel Prize in Physics/ Inventing the Future/ 1964 .

[Ed] Submissions statistics, week 11: 26 submissions, 14 from males, 12 from females. 3 acceptances.

[Ed] Submissions statistics, week 12: 18 submissions, 13 from males, 5 from females. 1 acceptance.

[Ed] Submissions statistics, week 13: 24 submissions, 11 from males, 12 from females, 1 unknown. 2 acceptances, 1 rewrite request.

[Ed] Submissions statistics, week 14: 17 submissions, 11 from males, 6 from females. 4 acceptances. Current needs: humourous pieces!

Tuesday April 7:

5th disc of soaring and delicate post-rock from the Japanese masters of the form; epic scale, glacial beauty. Music to lose yourself in.

[#SoundBytes] Hymn to the Immortal Wind by MONO – / Conspiracy Records –

Wednesday April 8:

My avatars, luminous with data, press close, keen. A tap: we skim the zombie bots, dodge in, & deploy anti-viral mines; undead dust cloud.

[Bio] Maura McHugh lives in South Galway, Ireland, writes weird, loves technology, but loathes zombie botnets. .

Thursday April 9:

The artist formerly known as Zowie Bowie offers a smart scifi thriller that uses story and character, not explosions, to hold our attention.

[#Spitballs] Moon/Directed by Duncan Jones/ .

Friday April 10:

[Quote for the Friday] “Never trust the artist. Trust the tale. The proper function of a critic is to save the tale from the artist who created it.”

[Source] D. H. Lawrence (1885 – 1930) / British writer / Studies in Classic American Literature.

Saturday April 11:

We shrugged Atlas off our backs early in the tech spike. Disappointedly, nothing much changed, except, well, all the bag ladies disappeared.

[Bio] meika lives in Tasmania and no longer writes for humans. .

Sunday April 12:

An alternate 1956, filled with the detritus of spaceflight. The Ellis tropes are present but the writing is stiff, blocky and predictable.

[#ShineComics] IGNITION CITY #1 by Warren Ellis (script), Gianluca Pagliarani (pencils), Chris Drier (inks); Avatar, 2009, $3.99 .